
Tel: +33 (0)7 86 95 09 30

- 1 Rope (most of the time, on a glacier, for 2 persons we take a 30m rope (diameter in between 8 and 9mm)
- 1 Harness 
- 1 longue sling (180cm) + 1 light carabiner to hold it
- 1 normal sling (120cm) + 1 light carabiner to hold it
- 1 micro-traction + 1 locker to hlod it
- 1 ice screw + 1 light carabiner to hold it

... and obviously some training! 

Marjorie JUAREZ / 07 86 95 09 30 /  78 chemin de Malbosc, 06130 Grasse